Of PostgreSQL, Indexes, and Foreign Keys

At PayFit, we believe in using tools that improve the developer experience of our ICs, favoring technologies that reduce time to deliver new features or bugfixes, and not get bogged down in configuration and setup intricacies.

On the other hand, we hold ourselves to high engineering standards and expect ICs to enforce as many engineering principles and best practices, in order to prevent avoidable problems and minimize technical debt, contributing to our goal of keeping a high velocity.

Unfortunately, using high-level tools sometimes obscures the details behind a technology, and makes it harder to identify and apply best practices. In this context, our team recently went on an investigation, and emerged with a recommendation that you might find useful too.

tl;dr PostgreSQL does not automatically index foreign key columns, so WHERE clauses on these columns will require a full table scan. Remember to add indexes to your foreign keys!


The service we were working on is a Node.js API server, written in TypeScript, using the following data stack:

Indexing Foreign Keys in PostgreSQL

Here’s what the PostgreSQL documentation has to say about indexes on referencing columns for foreign keys:

A foreign key must reference columns that either are a primary key or form a unique constraint. This means that the referenced columns always have an index (the one underlying the primary key or unique constraint); so checks on whether a referencing row has a match will be efficient.

Since a DELETE of a row from the referenced table or an UPDATE of a referenced column will require a scan of the referencing table for rows matching the old value, it is often a good idea to index the referencing columns too.

Because this is not always needed, and there are many choices available on how to index, declaration of a foreign key constraint does not automatically create an index on the referencing columns.

Prisma schema migrations for relations

For the following data schema, defined in Prisma’s DDL, containing a 1:N relation between Foo and Bar:

model Foo {
  id   Int    @id @default(autoincrement())
  name String

  bars Bar[]

model Bar {
  id    Int    @id @default(autoincrement())
  label String

  fooId Int
  foo   Foo @relation(fields: [fooId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

Prisma Migrate generates the following migration in SQL:

-- CreateTable
    "name" TEXT NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT "Foo_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id")

-- CreateTable
    "label" TEXT NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT "Bar_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id")

-- AddForeignKey
  ADD CONSTRAINT "Bar_fooId_fkey"
  FOREIGN KEY ("fooId") REFERENCES "Foo"("id")
Note that there is no index on column fooId in table Bar.

Prisma queries for relations

When performing a query on a relation, Prisma does not use JOIN s.

For example, this code:

client.foo.findMany({ include: { bars: true } });

produces the following queries:

SELECT "Foo"."id", "Foo"."name" 
  FROM "Foo" 
  WHERE 1=1;

SELECT "Bar"."id", "Bar"."label", "Bar"."fooId"
  FROM "Bar"
  WHERE "Bar"."fooId" IN ($1,$2);
Relational database JOINs can quickly become a bottleneck in high-volume conditions. Check out this talk on Prisma internals to learn more.

Running a benchmark

In order to compare performance of indexed and non-indexed foreign keys, we decided to run a benchmark on a number of operations ( INSERT, SELECT, DELETE...).

Data model

The benchmark uses the following schema:

model Foo {
  id   Int    @id @default(autoincrement())
  name String

  bars Bar[]
  bazs Baz[]

model Bar {
  id    Int    @id @default(autoincrement())
  label String

  fooId Int
  foo   Foo @relation(fields: [fooId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)

model Baz {
  id    Int    @id @default(autoincrement())
  label String

  fooId Int
  foo   Foo @relation(fields: [fooId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)



The benchmark runs the following steps:

  1. Create M Foos
  2. Create N Bars, linked to random Foo
  3. Read all Foos with linked Bars
  4. Update all Bars, relinking to a random Foo
  5. Delete N/2 Bars
  6. Delete all Foos, cascading deletes into linked Bars

The benchmark then runs again for Bazs.

The SQL queries generated by Prisma can be found in the appendix.

Benchmark runner specs

  • AWS EC2 t2.micro instance
  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Node 18.13.0
  • Prisma 4.8.0
  • Amazon RDS PostgreSQL 14.5 on db.t4g.micro

The benchmark runs for:

  • 10 Foos
  • 10,000 Bars/Bazs

The benchmark is run 50 times.

Benchmark results


Operation Min time Avg time Max time
2. Create 384ms 490ms 890ms
3. Read 66ms 73ms 261ms
4. Update 14953ms 15288ms 16248ms
5. Delete 149ms 188ms 274ms
6. Cascade 15ms 21ms 32ms


Operation Min time Avg time Max time
2. Create 404ms 515ms 1037ms
3. Read 53ms 57ms 72ms
4. Update 15032ms 15365ms 15804ms
5. Delete 152ms 197ms 500ms
6. Cascade 15ms 22ms 95ms


Operation Indexed / Unindexed
2. Create 105%
3. Read 78%
4. Update 101%
5. Delete 104%
6. Cascade 106%



The benchmark shows us that create, update, and delete are slightly faster when the referencing column is unindexed, whereas read is significantly faster when indexed.

More generally, we can say that indexing improves reads but slows down writes.

This could be expected, as every write of an indexed column will need re-indexing, and every read with a clause on an unindexed column will require a full-table scan.

This benchmark is not reliable as a general performance metric. It was only devised as a way to compare a few operations between indexed and unindexed relation columns.

Lessons learned

To the question “Is it good practice to add an index to your referencing columns (foreign keys)?” we can answer with a general “yes”.

For a more fine-grained answer, we can say… it depends. It depends mostly on your access patterns.

Typical application data models will have a high read-to-write ratio, meaning that data is read  more often than it is written. Examples of these types of data include textbook cases like company/employee relations, or listing all posts from a given user for a blog.

On the other hand, some data models will have a higher write-to-read ratio. Analytics, monitoring and IoT sensor data fall into this category, as new data is ingested into the system on a recurring basis, whereas reading the data is less frequent, often to perform overall analysis and reporting.

If your data seems to respond to the latter case, perhaps the overhead of indexing data could be a cost you wish to avoid. It might even be worth looking into OLAP and time-series databases, such as InfluxDB or Clickhouse.

Other factors have not been explored in this benchmark, particularly cardinality. This example only calculates the overhead of reindexing a single column, but the write overhead will grow for each indexed column. Feel free to tweak the benchmark code, and share your findings!


Source code

The code for the benchmark is available on GitHub.

Prisma SQL

For each step, Prisma generates the following SQL queries

1. Create M Foos

INSERT INTO "Foo" ("name") VALUES ($1), ($2)...

2. Create N Bars, linked to random Foo

INSERT INTO "Bar" ("fooId","label") VALUES ($1,$2), ($3,$4)...

3. Read all Foos with linked Bars

SELECT "Foo"."id", "Foo"."name" FROM "Foo" WHERE 1=1
SELECT "Bar"."id", "Bar"."label", "Bar"."fooId"
  FROM "Bar"
  WHERE "Bar"."fooId" IN ($1,$2...)

4. Update all Bars, relinking to a random Foo

  SET "fooId" = $1
  WHERE ("Bar"."id" IN ($2) AND ("Bar"."id" = $3 AND 1=1))

5. Delete N/2 Bars

DELETE FROM "Bar" WHERE ("Bar"."id" IN ($1,$2...))

6. Delete all Foos, cascading deletes into linked Bars

  WHERE ("Foo"."id" IN ($1) AND ("Foo"."id" = $2 AND 1=1))

Header picture by Bisakha Datta / Unsplash