[FR] Redefining an Integration strategy

Loïc Dhallenne (group PM) had the opportunity to discuss key strategies for ecosystem growth, managing partnerships, and the principles of Ecosystem Leadership vs Ecosystem Participation for a TPC (The Product Crew) masterclass.

Integrations on your product can have massive impact business wise 🚀
But for that you need an ultra sharp integration strategy.

On their side, the PMs are exposed to many challenges to integrate into an eco system:

- Strong foundations (need stable APIs)
- Service centric (understand the partners)
- More competition (convince of the added value of the services)

During this masterclass, Loïc shared:

🔶 How to build a Product Integration strategy to grow within an ecosystem

🔶 How to manage partnerships with key players like Microsoft, Salesforce, etc.

🔶 The principles of Ecosystem Leadership vs Ecosystem Participant

🔶 All illustrated by the redefinition of the integration strategy at Payfit