[FR] Inès & Sébastien on the Uncode School podcast

A few weeks, ago, Head of French Product Inès Salhi and VP of Product Management Sébastien Levaillant participated to the Uncode School podcast, hosted by Milan Boisgard, and which is dedicated to no-code professionals.

Topics covered in this podcast:

  • Who are Inès and Sébastien
  • What PayFit is
  • What JetLang is
  • Why PayFit developed their own language
  • From JetLang Master to Product Builder
  • Why the name change (+ history)
  • What is its role?
  • Training?
  • What are the expected skills?
  • What career path of a Product Builder
  • How JetLang and Product Builders allowed PayFit to react swiftly to new Covid laws
  • How to a product builder
  • Does PayFit only JetLang as a no-code tool
  • About RPA and automation
  • What advice would they give to those who want to become product builders